Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Triumph of Intellect and Romance Over Brute Force and Cynicism

I wasn't always a fan of Doctor Who, but the combination of having a fanatical friend and my own love of its sister series Torchwood, I've come to adore it. I started watching religiously with the Eleventh Doctor, making my knowledge of the franchise quite limited beyond this season and what I've learned from my friend Val and Torchwood, but I quite enjoy the cheesy British TV special effects, the fun plots and most importantly the Doctor himself, played excellently by Matt Smith.

Here is a video I quite adore. It's the lost cold opening of the Craig Ferguson Late Show Doctor Who episode. I feel like this emcompasses everything I've come to learn about the good Doctor and his show up until now, including the bizarre aspects of the series, of which there are many.

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