Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Flying Off into the Sunset on Broomsticks

O' Harry Potter. When the last movie comes out, no boy will be missed more than you. Your lightning scar shall be tattooed on the bodies of many a fangirl. Your name will be spoken by many a young adult, reminiscing of the time when they were children, and they opened their Christmas present to reveal the story of your admittance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the magical adventures you had there.

When the final curtain drops, I too shall be in mourning. Perhaps then, I shall write a rather long letter to you, Harry Potter, telling you what you've done for me. I assure you, you've done more than you can possibly imagine.

I suppose this would be a fitting time for a Mischief Managed

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