Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Le Marais

I love the movie Paris Je T'aime. I think its a cute series of vignettes that captures the things I loved about Paris when I went. I like to think of Paris as the ideal place it's depicted as, even when I know its not. I think this film did a good job of capturing both the fantasy Paris and the real one. It brings back fond memories of places I've been to and places I'd like to go to one day.

In particular, I love the story of the French boy who instantly falls for and pours his heart out to another boy, who doesn't acknowledge anything the French boy is saying. What looks like disgust or indifference actually turns out to be a language barrier, making the French boy's attempts at wooing suddenly humorous rather than sad. Eventually, the foreign boy figures out what the French boy must've been trying to say once he's gone (and left the foreign boy his phone number), and runs out of the printhouse he works in, presumably to find the French boy. It was such a sweet story, and I like to think they meet up, overcome their language barrier and live happily ever after.

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